KB Articles QA Status


PinkReady to QA
GreenWork in Progress
OrangeUnknown Status
PurpleUnassigned/Not Started
On Hold

Publishing priority:

Red: high priority
Orange: medium priority
Green: low priority 

Status in Create New Articles Here:

Last updated: 21/3/24 (Michelle)

Article NameAssigned toStatusPublishing priorityComments

Jira KB Support

BrettWork in Progress

Brett McLennan Is this complete? (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Using vivas for authentic assessment 

MiekeNot Started
Not started (Michelle - 21/03/2024)
Kahoot!KelliReady to QA

Alison emailed for QA (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

More on accessibility (NOTES) 

ToniWork in Progress
In progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Blackboard: Content Editor (New article - Draft) 


On Hold

On hold - Indefinitely (Michelle - 21/03/2024)
Zoom LTI setup (without need for new content areas)TimWork in Progress
Contacted Tim for status update (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Activating learning through visual presentations V2

ChrisWork in Progress

This was assigned to Chris, someone will need to pick it up (Michelle - (21/03/2024)

Blackboard Discussion Boards

MichelleWork in Progress
In progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

H5P Documentation Tool 

MichelleWork in Progress

Would it be good to get some input from the Digital Designers? (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

H5P Interactive Videos 

ShelleyWork in Progress

H5P Drag & Drop 

ShelleyWork in Progress

H5P Flashcards and Dialog cards 

ShelleyWork in Progress

H5P Quizzes 

MichelleWork in Progress

H5P Accordion

MichelleWork in Progress

H5P Interactive Book

MichelleWork in Progress

H5P Branching Scenarios 

MichelleWork in Progress

Getting started with PowerPoint 

MichelleWork in Progress

Making an educational video in Camtasia (Placeholder) 

MichelleWork in Progress
In progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Ungraded Units/Assessments 

MichelleWork in Progress
In progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

How to Separate Markers in the Grade Centre

MichelleNot Started
In progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Replacing code for old Module & Page Stylers

ToniWork in ProgressPriority UnknownIn progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Embedding learning activities into the curriculum

JoWork in ProgressPriority UnknownIn progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Marking, feedback and grading V3

ChrisWork in ProgressPriority UnknownReady for QA? (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Assessed Interviews (Viva voce/OSCE) using Zoom

TimReady to QAPriority UnknownReady for QA (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Zoom Notes for Meetings

TimReady to QAPriority UnknownReady for QA (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Voicethread (for 2024)

TimWork in ProgressPriority UnknownIn progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Digital Design Quality Indicators

AlisonWork in ProgressPriority UnknownIn progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

Digital Design QA checklist: Blackboard modules

AlisonWork in ProgressPriority UnknownIn progress (Michelle - 21/03/2024)

General issues: