Create New Articles Here...

If you have any questions about the website or knowledge base, contact Toni Ledgerwood.

Updating articles

Only after approval has been given for the updating or creating a new Knowledge Base article by the Team Leader, Digital Technologies, Toni Ledgerwood:

  • Contact and request access to the page
  • log onto the CTL Knowledge Base (Confluence) at
  • updates should be made as quickly as possible as changes are being made to the live site
  • changes should not be published. Simply close the document and changes will be publish when the article has been through QA. Notify that document is ready for QA.

New articles

  • New articles must be made in the “Create New Articles Here” section.
  • When the article is complete, should be notified that it is now ready for QA.
  • When QA is completed, the article will be moved to the “live” KB and the website will be updated.
