Zoom Notes for Meetings
What are Zoom Notes and how can they be used in Workshops and Tutorials?
Using Zoom Notes, individuals have the capability to generate note files during a meeting, enabling them to record meeting minutes, crucial points, post-meeting tasks, and other relevant information. Moreover, these notes can be distributed to participants present during the meeting and shared with individuals not in attendance.
There are a number of ways you could use Zoom Notes during Workshops, Tutorials, or even with communications with colleagues when using Zoom as your video conferencing platform.
- Students could be tasked with taking their own notes on sections of a Workshop or Tutorial and then asked to share those with their peers.
- Students could work in groups over a 6-week period where they take turns within their group to use the Notes feature to capture the information presented in Workshops and Tutorials. Collectively, this could be shared within their groups as study material. Towards the end of the unit's delivery, a collective of all Notes could be collated and shared among the cohort as a collective learning/review materials.
- Groups could be tasked with taking collaborative notes in a shared Notes area. These notes could then be reformulated into questions by the group, and then members could split up and members from different groups could ask each other their respective questions to concept check content from classes.
- The meeting facilitator could prepare a Notes version of their content before delivery with missing pieces of information in the form of a cloze (gap-fill) task. Students would then listen to the delivery while filling in the gaps relating to the missing key pieces of information.
- For Meetings with colleagues, a nominated "scribe" could use the Notes feature to keep the minutes of a meeting, which could then be shared with others as collaborators.
This article covers:
Where can Notes be accessed?
You can gain access to Notes from three locations:
- From the SCU Zoom web page, where you sign in with your SCU credentials and can then access all Zoom settings, including Notes: https://scuonline.zoom.us/notes#/
- From within a Zoom Meeting - Find the green Share Screen button in the bottom of the Meeting toolbar, and look to the far right, where you should find the Notes button:
If you have a smaller screen that shortens the Zoom toolbar, click the three dots to the far right to open the menu, and then you can select the Notes button: - From the Zoom app/program, along the top menu bar to the far right:
If you have a smaller screen that shortens the Zoom toolbar, click the three dots to the far right to open the menu, and then you can select the Notes button:
How to create a new note during a Zoom meeting
- Start a Zoom meeting.
- From the in-meeting controls, click the Notes button.
- At the top right, click New.
- A new note will open and can be edited or shared with the meeting.
How to edit a note during a Zoom meeting
- Start a Zoom meeting.
- From the in-meeting controls, click the Notes button.
- Click the existing note you want to edit. The note will open in the meeting window.
- Use the editing tools to update the note, or share the note in the meeting.
How to share a note during a Zoom meeting
- Start a Zoom meeting.
- From the in-meeting controls, click the Notes button.
- At the top right, click New or click an existing note you would like to edit.
- Click the Share button:
- Under the heading Link Access, select Anyone at SCU - Southern Cross University.
- Then change the Can View option to Can Edit (note that you can change this setting at any time; for example, you may wish to leave it in Edit mode during your meeting and then change it to View mode afterwards, so no students can make changes):
- Then click Copy Link and share this to the Chat or to the cohort via an Announcement in Blackboard.
(Please note - it's better to refer to the Online version rather than export, as it's always up to date)