Which systems do I login using my email address?

From 7:30pm 25th March 2021, you will need to use your full email address to login to Microsoft O365 Services.

Which systems now need you to use your SCU email address to login?

When presented with this login screen for accessing the following systems you will now be required to enter your SCU email address.

Systems include.

  • Webmail (includes Microsoft Office online/web apps - Word, Excel & PowerPoint) 
  • OneDrive

NB: There is no change to your password.

How do I find my SCU username and SCU email address?

When presented with this login screen for accessing the following systems you will now be required to enter your SCU email address (firstname.lastname@scu.edu.au).

There is no change to your password.

Systems include.

  • Webmail, Teams & OneDrive (includes Microsoft Office online/web apps - Word, Excel & PowerPoint)
  • CRM
  • Riskware
  • SharePoint
  • Dropbox (SCU)
  • Acendre

Desktop Applications like Teams, OneDrive, may prompt you to login again, please use your SCU email address (firstname.lastname@scu.edu.au), the short username will no longer work.

Did you receive an error message similar to the one below, and/or are you still experiencing issues?

Please try to clear your browser cache, "How do I clear my browser cache?" or use another browser. 

Error example:

I'm also getting message to approve your sign-in request?

You will either do this via the authentication method you have previously configured e.g. Microsoft Authenticator App.

More information required... If you haven't setup a second authentication method; it will take you through a wizard to configure see Multi-Factor Authentication - MFA @ SCU

Still Experiencing Issues?

If you are still having trouble, please contact the Service Desk.

All other systems are unaffected including MySCU/Blackboard.