It's not working in my browser, what do I do?

So you are trying to access a website or system via a browser and it wont load properly?

Browser Definition: is an application used to access and view websites. Common internet/web browsers include Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.

There are few things you can do;

The quickest and easiest method is to copy and paste the link into another browser

Step 1: Right-click the link

  • If you're on a Mac with a single mouse button, hold Ctrl and click to open the right-click menu

Step 2: Select the "Copy" option. The wording of this option will vary depending on what program you are using
  • Chrome - Copy link address
  • Firefox - Copy Link Location
  • Edge - Copy Link
  • Safari - Copy Link
  • Word/Outlook - Copy Hyperlink

Step 3: Open the different browser application

Step 4: In the address bar, place your cursor (left-click once), "Paste" the link.

There are several ways you can paste your copied link:

  • Right-click wherever your cursor is and select Paste
  • Press Ctrl+V (Windows) or ⌘ Cmd+V (Mac)
  • Click the Edit menu (if present) and select Paste

Haven't got another browser installed?

  • Download Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge will already be installed on Windows 10 computers, you can download for older versions of Windows
  • Safari will already be installed on Apple Macintosh computers
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 

The browser cache is a temporary storage location on your computer for the downloading of small files used by your browser to display websites correctly. Some times this data can conflict with new data when you revisit the site. If you are experiencing problems, clearing the cache can fix the issue. 

Ensure you check that the Time Range is all time.

Clear the browser cache/history

Another key tool is to open in a private/incognito window, see How do I open a private browser window 

If you are accessing a website from a bookmark/favourite and the website hasn't loaded correctly or providing errors. We recommend navigating to the website again. For example going to then click on MySCU or doing a Google Search Southern Cross University MySCU.

You may find it will work and hence you can then update your bookmark.

If you are using an SCU computer, it is unnecessary to update your browser. The University manages this, providing the most up to date and/or the most compatible versions of web browsers for staff and students to use.

For personal computers - are normally set to automatically update however you can manually update

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge and Safari are maintained in the operating system updates (Windows Update and Apple Software Update)

If you are experiencing issues using some features of MySCU/Blackboard you can test with Browser Checker ( Once you've ran the check you can follow the relevant step above.

Which browser is the best?

These days there are many many services and systems we access via the internet via a web browser. Some have particular browser requirements, and others are quite happy to work with any browsers. For example, we recommend Google Chrome for MySCU/Blackboard, as we have found it most stable. Like most things in life, everyone has their favourite browser, but the reality is that you may need more than one browser to do what you need to do. The important thing is to make sure you have the latest updates with the ones you have installed to ensure the latest security enhancements are in place while you are browsing the web.