How do I login to Sonia Online?

If your course requires you to participate in off-campus work placement, you will need to log into Sonia in order to co-ordinate this. 

Step 1: Navigate to the Sonia website -

Step 2: Click on your school link

Step 3:  Click on the button University Sign In


Step 4:  Sign in with your student ID number or short username.  

The password is the same as when you log into email, myenrolment or mySCU

If you don't know your short username, refer to: How do I find my SCU username and SCU email address?

If you don't remember your SCU password, refer to: How to reset your SCU password

If you have not selected units to study, log into Sonia with your student ID number and myEnrolment password

Additional support

Please contact the relevant Coordinator from your School. These contact details can be found by selecting your school form the Sonia homepage