(Update) Learning activities
Designing cohesive learning activities supports active student engagement. This applies for both on-campus and online. A simple approach is to make sure you have these characteristics:
an activator (something to get them interested and engaged so they want to do this)
an activity that links to the content/learning (something that the students are going to do)
a clear objective (so they know why they are doing it)
a link to the assessment (so they have a motivation to do it).
The literature about online teaching and learning provides some examples of frameworks that have been tested in adult learning environments. We have chosen Salmon's model to demonstrate effective design of learning activities. We also offer the idea of 'the hook' to help you structure your activities in an engaging way.
Salmon's e-tivities
Gilly Salmon has written two books about elearning design - E-moderating (2011) and E-tivities (2013). Her website provides a great overview and advice, including her work about the five-stage model for elearning.
She writes:
'E-tivities are frameworks for enabling active and participative online learning by individuals and groups. E-tivities are important for the online teaching and learning world because they deploy useful, well-rehearsed principles and pedagogies for learning as well as your choice of networked technologies. They focus on the learners - the people I call the participants, who are contributing, providing, reworking, interpreting, combining most of the knowledge. They overturn the idea that learning depends on one big expert and his/her conveying of knowledge. They are based on the strong idea that knowledge is constructed by learners through and with others.'
The basic principle of e-tivities is to have a structure that facilitates the students 'doing'. The diagram from her E-tivities book provides a summary.
E-tivities Framework - Extract from E_tivities, The Key to Active Online Learning (2ndEdition)
The hook
Similar to Salmon's model is a technique used in business known as the 'hook'. What this suggests is that a consumer goes through the process as they interact with (and purchase) a particular product or idea. It includes:
The concept comes from Nir Eyal's book Hooked: How to build habit-forming products. Online learning author and blogger Debbie Morrison wrote this blog making the connection between hook and education.
Example learning activities 2.0
Activities guide students and provide them with the opportunity to process, integrate and understand content (e.g. watch video, listen to podcast, read article). The following example activities are categorised into the tenet of best practice unit design that best characterises them. Whatever activity you choose should relate directly to the unit learning outcomes and the course content. Ideally, all activities should include built-in responsive feedback.
Activities that are media-rich
These activities integrate multimedia sources in meaningful ways to enhance understanding and engage students.
Activities that guide students through the curriculum
These activities support student exploration of module objectives, help them to develop and apply skills and prepare students for assessment.
Activities that are interactive and responsive
These activities provide opportunities for active learning, ask students to interact, and provide responsive feedback so that students know they are on track.
Activities that contribute toward a community of inquiry
These activities provide opportunities for student interaction and community-building, leading to enhanced satisfaction, engagement, belonging and persistence. Read more about the Community of Inquiry Framework.
Alternative sources:
Eyal, N. (2014) Hooked: How to build habit-forming products. Penguin.
Salmon, G. (2011). E-moderating: The key to teaching and learning online (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Salmon, G. (2013). E-tivities: The key to active online learning (2nd ed.). London and New York: Routledge.