Share and Import H5Ps
It is possible to share and reuse H5P interactives with colleagues, and invite others to contribute to a H5P you are working on.
This document will guide you on:
A note about sharing H5Ps
If someone shares a H5P with you, make sure you clone it before you include it in your unit site. If you edit the original, it will edit the version your colleague may be actively using in their unit site without them knowing. See this page on editing H5P content for details on how to clone existing H5Ps.
Adding collaborators
You can add collaborators through the Collaborators tab when editing a H5P. Type your colleagues name and select then from the drop down
My colleague isn't showing up?
If you can't find the person you're searching for, make sure they're logged into H5P through Blackboard.
Using shared folders
Adding a H5P to a shared folder enables other authors to browse and find your H5P from a shared repository. This is a great way to share ideas, template H5P activities, and save time. To add a H5P to a shared folder, click the Sharing tab at the bottom of the H5P interactive. When you click on Pick folder(s) to share in... you will see a list of shared folders.
Editing H5Ps in a shared folder
Content shared within organisation folders are available for staff to view and clone but they cannot edit the original H5Ps.
Users are able to access the shared H5P folder from the All content tab in H5P. They can copy the H5P for their own use by clicking on the ... menu and choosing Clone.
Creating a shared folder
Only H5P administrators are able to create shared folders. If your faculty is interested in creating and managing its own shared H5P repository please contact Digital Resources to arrange access. Note that all H5P users at SCU will be able to access the repository (this excludes students).
Sharing H5Ps with External links
Links can be provided outside of a Blackboard site by using the external link. Under the Publish tab, click the Public option and then click on the External Link to copy the link to the clipboard and Save to apply the permission changes. You can then paste this web url into webpages, emails or other places.
Public links
Any user with this link will be able to access the H5P without requiring a login.
Downloading and Uploading H5Ps
You can set a H5P to allow users to download the content on the toolbar. This option allows anyone with access to the H5P to download the H5P file as a copy. It is strongly recommended to only use this option only where a H5P is not available to students, as they will be able to access the H5P and potentially reverse engineer a solution.The following video goes through the process of downloading a H5P and uploading it so you can edit the content:
[[video- import export]]
- Where to find the reuse, if it's not there the toolbar is off, best practice remendations surrounding this
- How to upload a H5P file