Assessed Interviews (Viva voce/OSCE) using Zoom
When conducting interview-style assessment online, you can use Zoom to set up all meetings and save the recordings to the cloud. This process is particularly useful when you have a large cohort where there may be many markers/interviewers/assessors.
Will the person setting up the meetings also be conducting a meeting?
Importantly, you will need to contact (Attn: Wes du Plooy) to arrange a Zoom concurrent licence in order to schedule multiple meetings on behalf of your colleagues.
Setting up interview-style assessment conducted using Zoom
The UA (or other relevant staff member) sets up all Zoom meetings using their own SCU Zoom account, making each assessor an “Alternative host” for their respective meetings.
- Contact to arrange a Zoom concurrent license, which allows you to conduct/host multiple meetings concurrently before interview day.
On the day, each assessor starts their meeting and records each interview to the cloud (using start/stop recording). This leaves all cloud recordings in the SCU Zoom account of the UA.
- Liaise with your Course Coordinator to determine where the recordings will be stored and for how long.
Follow these steps to prepare, conduct, and finalise all meetings:
Start by creating a schedule in a program like MS Word, similar to the following (please include names for the assessor-facing version):
Zoom Room Link → | Hyperlink to Assessor 1 Zoom Meeting ID here | Hyperlink to Assessor 2 Zoom Meeting ID here | Hyperlink to Assessor 3 Zoom Meeting ID here |
Day, Date & Time ↓ | Assessor 1 | Assessor 2 | Assessor 3 |
Mon, Aug 14 – 9:00 | Student #A | Student #C | Student #E |
Mon, Aug 14 – 9:30 | Student #B | Student #D | Student #F |
- Allow for time between each student for assessors to finalise their grades.
See video guide here:
- Click here to schedule your meetings in line with your pre-made schedule:
- Once you nominate assessors as an “Alternative host” for their respective meetings, they will be notified by email with the details of the meeting (link and meeting ID, etc.).
- It may be useful to test-start all your meetings together on the morning of or the day prior – should you encounter any issues, contact
- On the day, Assessors start their respective meetings and admit each student at the allocated time.
- Ideally create a script for your assessors for consistency with starting and finishing:
- Hello and welcome to Unit ABCD. My name is __________ and I’m going to start the recording now. Can you tell me your full name, please? Can you tell me your student number, please?
- Thank you. That is the end of the assessment. I’m stopping the recording, and you can now leave the meeting.
- Students join the meeting prior to their allocated time, where they will enter the waiting room until their examiner admits them at the allocated time.
- Remind students that sessions could run over time, so they should not worry if they are in the waiting room past their start time. However, it may be worth suggesting a time after which they should email their UA if they have not been brought in (e.g., 30 minutes).
- If assessors are running far behind the schedule, they should email the UA between interviews, so that an announcement can be posted to inform those students who may be affected.
- Assessors admit each student from the Zoom waiting room to the meeting at the allocated time. Remaining students will stay in the waiting room until their allocated time.
- Begin with meet and greet then start the recording. Stop recording when the interview is done.
- Upon completion, ask the attending student to exit the meeting, or from the Zoom participant controls, the student can be placed in the waiting room and the next student in line can be admitted.
When setting up the Zoom meetings, use the following settings:
UA schedules all meeting links here:
- Topic: Unit ID + Assessment name + Assessor Name + Day/Date
- When: First interview start time until final interview finish time
- Duration: dependant on final interview finish time
- Time Zone: Sydney (importantly, remind students and staff to be mindful of daylight savings time if it will be in effect)
- Registration: No tick
- Meeting ID: Generate automatically
- Template: No
- Whiteboard: No
- Security:
- Passcode (automatically on) → Yes
- Waiting Room → Yes
- Require authentication to join à Yes
- Video: defaults (Host → on -- Participant → on)
- Audio: defaults (both)
- Options (click to expand these options and apply the following settings):
- Allow participants to join → 15 minutes before start time (this setting won't necessarily impact the setup)
- Q&A → No tick
- Mute participants on entry → No tick – your preference but entering unmuted is recommended.
- Allow host to save video order → No tick
- Breakout Room pre-assign → No tick
- Request permission to unmute participants → No tick
- Automatically record meeting → Yes → In the cloud
- Enable focus mode → No tick
- Approve or block entry → No tick
- Alternative Hosts → the nominated assessor (If the SCU staff member's name doesn’t appear automatically, ask them to first sign into with their SCU email address. Those names should subsequently auto generate within Zoom)
- Interpretation → no need for any of these settings