Connect to Staff & Student Wireless (TAFENSW)

This configuration typically only needs to be done once - your settings will be saved, and you will just need to connect to the TAFENSW access point in the future.

The step-by-step instructions are available from TAFENSW Wireless Information Portal

To connect to the TAFENSW wireless network, you need to know your TAFE credentials, e.g. firstname.lastname?. These are the same details you use for the Student/Staff Portal + Email + Moodle.

Username Format =

STAFF: firstname.lastname?

STUDENTS: firstname.lastname?

?: this means some people have a number but not everyone

Password = same as you use to access TAFE email + portal


Please ensure you've checked the following;

At Home

  • Connected to a non-TAFE network (e.g. at home) and can't browse the Internet? you need to turn the manual proxy settings off see

You'll need to turn proxy settings off and on each time you go between campus and any other network, see