Turnitin submission limitations and file types

This information guide provides a list of file types which Turnitin will accept
Please refer to the Turnitin support page for a full list of file requirements. 


If an assignment is set to allow only files that Turnitin can check for similarity (Default settings), Turnitin will only accept files that can generate Similarity Reports. This includes:

    • files less than 100MB,
    • files with a minimum of 20 words
    • file less than 800 pages
    • Microsoft Word (DOC and DOCX)
    • Corel WordPerfect
    • HTML
    • Adobe PostScript
    • Plain text (TXT)
    • Rich Text Format (RTF)
    • Portable Document Format (PDF) - Turnitin will not accept PDF files which do not contain highlightable text (e.g. a scanned file)
    • OpenOffice (ODT)
    • Hangul (HWP and HWPX)
    • Powerpoint (PPTX)