How to Scan?
Following are the instructions scanning documents for FREE using the on-campus multi-function devices (MFDs)/printers.
There are a few different model MFDs and so the instructions/pictures may vary slightly.
Step 1:
Place your document/s in the document feeder face side up.
OR Place your document or book face-down on the platen glass in the top left-hand corner.
When the green light appears, your document is ready to scan
Step 2:
Swipe your Student ID Card OR Log in manually by selecting the Keyboard button. How to Login to an SCU (Equitrac) Printer
Step 3:
Select the Email function.
Step 4:
Your email will automatically be assigned as the email recipient.
If you need the scanned document to go to a different address, do this from your email application. First, check that it comes through and is scanned correctly before forwarding the email to another recipient.
Step 5:
There are multiple options available to configure your scan to suit your document requirements. The most commonly used are:
- Color Scanning – to change from black and white to color.
- 2-Sided Scanning – for duplexing options.
- Original Size – to change the size or layout.
- Next Original – if you are scanning multiple pages and your document is on the platen glass.
Don't scan too many pages at once, as it won't come through on email due to the size of the attachment. Please note that settings such as colour scanning (black & white or colour) and resolution will affect the size of the email. (suggested in batches about 30 pages at 600 dpi)
Step 6:
Select Send
Step 7:
If you are scanning multiple pages and your document is on the glass and you didn't select Next Original in the settings you can select "On" for Next Original at this point which will keep all the scanning in one file.
Step 8:
If you are using Next Original you can adjust the settings for the next original before scanning if required by selecting Edit Next Original Settings.
Select Scan Next Original when it is ready.
Select Send (Last original) once you have completed scanning all pages.
Step 9:
Collect your originals.
Once finished, select your username to log out of the MFD (it's located in the top left corner).