How to Login to an SCU (Equitrac) Printer
There are two different methods for logging onto a campus printer.
Method 1:
Swiping your staff or student card.
All Equitrac printers are equipped with a card reader; they are usually quite visible and look like the ones to the side of many doors around campus.
If you get a “login failed” message you need to either:
• Apply for a new student card as per these instructions: How to get your student ID card
• Visit a Technology Services Service Desk as we can update your card manually
Login using the "keyboard" on the printer screen
Step 1: If the screen is blank, press the Energy Saver button
Step 2: Swipe your card past the card reader
Step 3: You will see a login fail error message. Press the log in / out button
Step 4: Using the printer keypad to type in the following:
For students type: student\username
eg. student\egreai12
If you are unsure what your username is, please refer to this article: How do I find my SCU username and SCU email address?
For staff please type: staff\username
eg. staff\gthomath
Step 5: Press Next to confirm your entry & move to the next screen
Step 6: Type in your SCU password
Step 7: You should now be logged in and see menu items.
Step 8: To finalize, swipe your card past the card reader and you should be automatically logged in.
If you get an error page, press Close and repeat from step 2.
You only have approximately 45 seconds to login.