Individual Video Submissions - VoiceThread for Summative Assessment
What is VoiceThread for video assessment?
VoiceThread is a platform that enables students to upload videos/audio (in MP4/MP3 format).
When used together with a Turnitin portal, students will submit their video to the VoiceThread portal and at the same time will submit their script (or other textual component) through Turnitin. With an attached Turnitin rubric, students' work can be graded reliably with scores automatically counting to the Running Total in the Grade Centre.
Assessors will open the VoiceThread portal to view student submissions at the same time as opening the Turnitin portal in order to grade the work against the rubric.
When grading student work on a device with one monitor, you will open the VoiceThread portal in one tab from your browser and the Turnitin portal in another tab, switching between the two in order to grade the submissions.
However, where you are fortunate enough to work with two monitors, you can have the VoiceThread videos open on one screen and the Turnitin rubric for grading open on the other screen.
Setting up a Task
Watch the following complete video guide that covers the three steps (1. VoiceThread portal, 2. Turnitin portal, 3. Grade Centre adjustments) to setting up a VoiceThread video submission assessment task (13 mins):
Set up a VoiceThread folder for the Assessment item
- Navigate to Assessment Tasks and Submission from the Blackboard menu.
- From the Build Content menu, create a folder to contain the assessment brief, the VoiceThread portal, and the Turnitin portal, etc.
Step 1: Create the VoiceThread Portal
- From the Build Content menu, select Add VoiceThread from the menu.
- Give the portal a clear name (e.g., VoiceThread Submission Portal).
- Scroll down to the "Grading" section and "Enable Evaluation".
- Set the points possible based on the task value (e.g., 40% of the final grade = 40 points).
- Click Submit to create the portal.
Configuring the VoiceThread Portal
- Click the link to the VoiceThread portal you just created.
- If Assignment Builder is not visible, go back to the Blackboard item and Enable Evaluation - Set the points possible to "0" [zero].
- Click Assignment Builder and proceed by clicking Create at the top, then Continue at the bottom.
- Scroll down to participation details; ensure Student Gallery is not selected.
- Click Continue at the bottom left.
- Optionally, add assignment instructions or redirect students to the assessment brief.
- Set start and due dates, adhering to SCU policy for due dates.
- Set the close date to allow for late submissions.
- Choose assessment settings (e.g., complete, incomplete).
- Click the orange Publish button.
Verify the VoiceThread link
- Return to the unit site and click the VoiceThread link to check details.
- Ensure accurate information on the grading page.
- Use the three-dot menu to edit dates if needed.
- Note: always click Continue and then Publish after making changes.
You may find it useful to showcase the student access process in a Workshop - to do so, enter student preview mode in your unit site, then share your screen as you access the VoiceThread portal and demo the upload of a small file, such as an image.
Step 2: Create the Turnitin Portal
- Hover over Build Content, choose Turnitin Assignment, and give it a title.
- Set max grade, start and due dates, and feedback release date.
- Edit optional settings, attach a rubric, and choose other preferences.
- Click Submit to create the Turnitin portal.
Step 3: Adjusting the Grade Centre
- Open the Full Grade Centre.
- Click the down-chevron for the VoiceThread portal, and choose Edit Column Information.
- Change the Primary Display to Complete/Incomplete
- Scroll down to "Include this column in Grade Centre calculations" and change it to No.
- Hide both VoiceThread and Turnitin portals from students until ready for release.
- Confirm the dark circle with a red line appears, indicating hidden columns.
Image: A dark grey circle with a red line appears at the top-left of the Grade Centre column to show the column is not visible to users:
Grading a Task
Watch the following video guide that covers the process for grading VoiceThread video submissions:
Viewing the video submissions via VoiceThread
Grading using the Turnitin rubric
Reviewing grades in the Grade Centre
Providing students with information on how to submit
The SCU Student Learning Zone hosts a short step-by-step video guide (3 mins) on how students can submit their videos to VoiceThread. The video guide also show students how to withdraw their original attempt in order to make a resubmission. Please note that the VoiceThread submission portal "close date" must be open in order for students to submit after the "due date".
Suggested Item in Assessment folder for student information on VoiceThread submissions
You may find it useful to add a content item in the assessment folder as follows:
Title: A guide to submitting your video using VoiceThread
Content: Click here to see the 3-minute video VoiceThread video submission guide hosted my the SCU Learning Zone:
Click here to read the PDF VoiceThread video submission guide: 2024 VoiceThread Submission - Student Guide.pdf
The Learning Zone student video guide can be accessed here:
VoiceThread - Submitting your video assessment item from Blackboard:
Should your students have any difficulties accessing the video guide from the SCU Learning Zone team, you can direct them here: