Blackboard Classic vs Ultra Test Comparison
The Test tool in Ultra Course View has been rebuilt with a modern user experience. While most functionality remains, there are some tools no longer available or they have been replaced with similar tools.
When importing from a Classic site, test titles are replaced with the title Question 1-n.
Creating a test
Ultra has the following question types:
Classic Question Types | Available in Ultra | Notes |
Calculated Formula | ✅ | |
Calculated Numeric | ✅ | |
Either/Or | ❌ | An existing question of this type will be imported, but it cannot be created. Use the Multiple choice question instead. |
Essay | ✅ | |
File Response | ❌ | An Assignment or Turnitin submission is a more suitable method for this type of test.1 |
Fill in Multiple Blanks | ✅ | Replaced with the Fill in the Blank question, which allows multiple blanks. |
Fill in the Blank | ✅ | |
Hot Spot | ✅ | |
Jumbled Sentence | ❌ | |
Matching | ✅ | |
Multiple Answer | ✅ | Replaced with the Multiple Choice question, which allows multiple answers. |
Multiple Choice | ✅ | |
Opinion Scale/Likert | ❌ | |
Ordering | ❌ | |
Quiz Bowl | ❌ | |
Short Answer | ✅ | Replaced with the Essay question. |
True/False | ✅ |
1 If a file needs to be submitted as part of the test, there is the option to allow students to submit a file at the end of the test, or the essay question could be utilised with students advised to submit a file rather than type in an answer.