Blackboard Classic vs Ultra Test Comparison

The Test tool in Ultra Course View has been rebuilt with a modern user experience. While most functionality remains, there are some tools no longer available or they have been replaced with similar tools.

When importing from a Classic site, test titles are replaced with the title Question 1-n.

Creating a test

Ultra has the following question types:

  • Calculated Formula
  • Calculated Numeric
  • Essay
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Hotspot
  • Matching
  • Multiple Choice
  • True/False

Surveys are no longer available in Ultra.

Classic Question TypesAvailable in UltraNotes
Calculated Formula
Calculated Numeric
Either/OrAn existing question of this type will be imported, but it cannot be created. Use the Multiple choice question instead.
File ResponseAn Assignment or Turnitin submission is a more suitable method for this type of test.1
Fill in Multiple BlanksReplaced with the Fill in the Blank question, which allows multiple blanks.
Fill in the Blank
Hot Spot
Jumbled Sentence
Multiple AnswerReplaced with the Multiple Choice question, which allows multiple answers.
Multiple Choice
Opinion Scale/Likert
Quiz Bowl
Short AnswerReplaced with the Essay question.

1 If a file needs to be submitted as part of the test, there is the option to allow students to submit a file at the end of the test, or the essay question could be utilised with students advised to submit a file rather than type in an answer.