Using Turnitin rubrics for grading 2.0
Setting up Turnitin will add a new column in your Grade Centre. This is the case whether you set up a Turnitin assignment or an optional submission link (such as a draft link). Utilising a quantitative/ percentage rubric can greatly improve marking efficiency and inter marker reliability.
Using SCU Letter Grades
You can set up a Turnitin assignment to display letter grades rather than numerical grades from the Grade Centre. Note that if you have used a Turnitin assignment, students will always be able to see their grade score within the Feedback Studio.
Grading Turnitin Assignments in the Grade Centre
Grades manually entered into Grade Center take precedence over any existing or future grades added using Turnitin Feedback Studio. In order for grades to remain synced between Turnitin and the Blackboard Learn Gradebook, ONLY use Turnitin Feedback Studio to grade student work. Also, see Grading with Blackboard.
This video shows how to mark a Turnitin assignment using a scored rubric.
Syncing to the Grade Centre
Make sure when using Turnitin rubrics to grade assessment, click the "Apply to Grade" button to confirm and save the graded result. Otherwise the grade will not be recorded in Grade Center.
Showing student results
Note that grade visibility depends on the Grade Centre settings, not the Turnitin options. This being said, students will only be able to view the Feedback you have provided for their assignments after the Feedback Release Date has passed through the Turnitin submission portal. For details on releasing grades to students, see articles on Releasing Feedback to Students via Turnitin.