Access reports for H5Ps
The following article discusses H5P reports which track student progress and H5P activity responses.
What is a H5P report
A H5P reports include information on the student details, number of attempts, first, last and best score. H5P reports are a good way to track how students are engaging and progressing through a H5P activity. Each report is limited to a single H5P, there is unfortunately no way to cross examine or compare different H5P reports.
H5P Reports require permissions
H5Ps that generate a report
After student complete a H5P that requires a student response a H5P report can be generated. However, only the following H5Ps can generate reports.
- arithmetic quiz
- column
- documentation tool
- drag and drop
- drag the words
- fill in the blanks
- image choice
- interactive video
- mark the words
- multiple choice
- quiz (question set)
- summary
- single choice set
- true/false
Accessing H5P reports
Just like with editing a H5P, there are two different ways to access H5P reports. One is through the Blackboard unit site while the other is through the H5P library.
Accessing reports through Blackboard
When H5P content has been added to a Blackboard learning site using the +Plus button, report can be accessed in place.
- Find the H5P activity in a unit module. Locate the Reports shortcut in the top left corner of the H5P.
- Click on Reports at the top of the H5P item. This will access the report for this H5P.
- By default the report will filter only users that access the H5P from this location. Click "Clear all filters" to show all students attempts.
Access through the H5P library via
To access reports through the H5P library. The easiest way is to log in to in a new tab or window. Once logged in, find the H5P you would like the access the reports for either through scrolling in "My Content" or typing the name of the H5P into the search bar. Once you have found the H5P click on it and then click "Reports". To access an individual student's report click on their name and if there is more than one attempt, click on the attempt you would like to see the specifics of. Follow the images in the Course Presentation below for a visual of the process.
Where the Reports option is missing
If the "Reports" option does not appear, it may be because the H5P type does not generate reports (refer to the list above) in that case you can use Blackboard "Statistics Tracking" to monitor student engagement instead. Note that the reports button only appears once at least one student has completed the H5P as well.