Turnitin Update - New Blackboard Integration 2023

The way that Turnitin integrates with Blackboard learning sites changed on the 27th February 2023. This article will take you through the main changes so you are familiar with the new interface.

Turnitin links created prior to 27th February 2023

Turnitin assignments created before the 27th February 2023 can no longer be edited. However, students can still submit their work and instructors can still grade the assessment. Where edits to a Turnitin link are required, you must create a new Turnitin LTI link, as explained in this article.

Releasing Feedback to Students

For information on how to release student grades and feedback, see our article on Releasing Feedback to Students in Turnitin.

The following video summarises the major updates to the new system:

This article will walk through the changes to each major Turnitin area as detailed in the video, and also covers how to access and upload rubrics, as follows:

Setting up a Turnitin assignment

  1. Start by logging into the unit learning site in MySCU.
  2. Locate the Assessment Tasks and Submission area, from the site menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Open an existing assessment folder, or create a new folder to contain the Blackboard assignment link and task instructions.
  4. Inside this folder, click on Build Content and choose Turnitin Assignment (LTI).

  5. Enter a Name for the assignment and provide Instructions for submitting the assignment.
  6. Ensure that the Max Grade is set to the assessment weighting for the unit.

    For draft portals

    If you are setting up a draft Turnitin portal, set the Max Grade to zero (0).

  7. Check the due date is set correctly.

    Setting the due date

    In accordance with the SCU assessment policy, the assessment due date should normally be set on a Monday at 11:59 PM (23:59) AEST (NSW time). See the Assessment, Teaching and Learning Procedures for more details.

    Feedback Release Date

    Students can view their rubric and feedback AFTER the Feedback Release Date has passed.
    Update the default to ensure it is after you expect to be ready for Students to view feedback or it will be immediately visible while you are still marking.

    You can come back and edit this option if you are ready to release feedback earlier.

  8. Open up the Optional Settings and check your Submission Settings & Similarity Report settings carefully. 

    For draft portals

    If you are setting up a draft Turnitin portal, under submit papers to select Do not store the submitted papers.


    To upload rubrics, select Launch Rubric Manager under optional settings. See the next section on Uploading a rubric to Turnitin (from excel) for the details of this process.

    Allow resubmissions!

    Make sure you allow students to resubmit by choosing Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date) for the option

  9. Once you're happy with your settings, select submit and you will be taken back to your blackboard learning site.

    Check the grade centre!

    When you finish setting up your assignment, don't forget to jump into the Grade Centre and check the Running Total and Column Visibility.

    By default, Turnitin assessment columns are visible to students. We recommend hiding the column until you are finished with grading. This can be changed by selecting "Hide from students (on/off)". Hidden columns are denoted with a grey circle with a red line through (). You can also change the way the grade is displayed to students by selecting "Edit Column Information"

Uploading a rubric to Turnitin (from excel)

The following video takes you through the process of uploading a rubric from excel to Turnitin:

Accessing an excel rubric template

Need a template to make your rubric in excel? Contact ctl@scu.edu.au!

  1. Launch the Rubric Manager from the Turnitin Assignment Settings (see above).

    Selecting an existing rubric

    The Rubric Manager will open on a default Turnitin rubric, regardless of which rubric you have selected from the drop-down menu in settings. You can select from existing rubrics using the hamburger icon in the top left-hand side. This will allow you to edit rubrics that have not yet been used for grading, create new rubrics, copy rubrics, or delete rubrics you no longer need.

  2. Select the box in the top right-hand side of the light blue bar, then choose import.

  3. Choose Select Files, and select the excel file, choosing Open.
  4. If your rubric imports successfully, it will show up with a tick. Select View to open up the rubric.

  5. This will take you back to the Rubric Manager. By default, the rubric will be Qualitative. Select the percentage icon (%) at the bottom of the screen next to Rubric Scoring to convert the rubric to Quantitative.

    Rename your rubric

    You can rename your rubric by selecting the name of the rubric in the light blue bar at the top of the Rubric Manager. Remember, there is a short character limit for the rubric name.

  6. Add criterion weightings. Make sure that your criteria sum up to 100%.

  7. Add scaler weighting. For each grade descriptor, use the midpoint of the range (see below).

    High Distinction + (100%)High Distinction (92%)Distinction (79%)Credit (69%)Pass (57%)Fail (25%)Absent Fail (0%)
    Grade Descriptors The student demonstrates exemplary performance with no errors.The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows exceptional ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as outstanding in relation to the learning requirements specified.The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements, demonstrates distinctive insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts, and shows a well-developed ability to synthesise, integrate and evaluate knowledge. The student’s performance could be described as distinguished in relation to the learning requirements specified.The student’s performance, in addition to satisfying all of the basic learning requirements specified, demonstrates insight and ability in researching, analysing and applying relevant skills and concepts. The student’s performance could be described as better than satisfactory or adequate or competent or capable in relation to the learning requirements specified.The student’s performance satisfies all of the basic learning requirements specified and provides a sound basis for proceeding to higher-level studies in the subject area. The student’s performance could be described as satisfactory or adequate or competent or capable in relation to the learning requirements specified.The student’s performance fails to satisfy the learning requirements specified.The student submits no assessment item or does not attempt this part of the task.

    Absent Fail

    Make sure to retype the number zero for the Absent Fail scaler, otherwise, the rubric will not save.

  8. Select save, then close the Rubric Manager and choose your rubric from the drop-down menu.

Editing a Turnitin assignment

Where to change each setting

Some Turnitin settings can be editing with the Turnitin interface, and some need to be edited in Blackboard. This table gives you an overview on where to change each setting:

SettingTurnitin SettingBlackboard Setting
Max Grade✔️
Start Date✔️
Due Date✔️
Feedback Release Date✔️

Optional Settings:

  • Allow late submissions
  • Rubrics
  • Student resubmissions
  • Similarity report settings

  1. Start by logging into the unit learning site in MySCU.
  2. Locate the Assessment Tasks and Submission area, from the site menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Open an existing assessment folder where you have already setup a Turnitin Submission link.
  4. To edit the Title, Point Value, Description or Due Date, select the down chevron and choose Edit. To edit the Visibility, select Adaptive Release.

  5. To edit the Assignment Options, Max Grade, or Feedback Release Date, select the assignment link to launch the assignment inbox.

  6. Select the Settings cog to edit your assignment by opening up the menu in the top right-hand side of the screen.

Editing the Point Value

Edit the Point Value for your assessment using the down chevron > Edit. If you edit it from the settings cog, it will be reset to match the blackboard grade.

The student experience

The following video summarises updates to the student experience, and can be shared with your students if needed:

Turnitin submission receipts

Students will NOT receive automated submission receipts when submitting assessments to the new Turnitin interface. They can download their submission receipts from the Turnitin Assignment Dashboard (which they can navigate to by selecting the assignment link) on the right-hand side using the paper icon.

How to resubmit?

Students can resubmit their assignment by selecting the up arrow next to their similarity score, if resubmissions have been enabled.

Accessing assignments in Turnitin

  1. Start by logging into the unit learning site in MySCU.
  2. Locate the Full Grade Centre area, from the site menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Student submissions that need to be graded are denoted by the Needs Grading () icon.

  4. Select Grade User Activity.

  5. This will launch the Turnitin Assignment Inbox, where you can access student papers and open the Feedback Studio, which is the same as previous. You can also access analytics for your assignment here on submissions, similarity, and feedback.

    Accessing the assignment inbox

    You can also select the assignment link in the Assessment Tasks and Submission area to launch the Turnitin Assignment Inbox.

(Please note - it's better to refer to the Online version rather than export, as it's always up to date)