Purple spinning wheel in Collaborate Ultra

If you have tried to open a Collaborate Ultra session and only seeing a purple spinning wheel, please follow the below steps

Cause: 3rd party cookies have been disabled or/and Blackboard sites blocked in cookies

Resolution: Enable 3rd party cookies and remove any blocked sites

Google Chrome Instructions

Step 1:  Click on the red error symbol in the top right corner of the address bar

    Then Click the Manage button

Note: If you don't see the red error symbol on the top - Click on more settings below.

Step 1.1: Click on the settings in Navigation bar

     Then click on Cookies and site Data

Step 1.2: Click on "Settings"

Step 2:  Once in the Cookies and site data page, make sure Chrome has the following settings

  • Click "Allow third party cookies"
  • Remove any Blocked websites which relate to scu.edu.au or Blackboard
  • Click on "Add"

Step 3:    Under the heading Allow, Click the Add button

Enter the following domain exception


Then click the Add button

Your Chrome settings should now look like this.

Step 4:    Once these settings have been changed,  navigate back to your Collaborate session and refresh your page.  Collaborate Ultra should now load.