Teams - Private Channels

Create a private channel

If you want a focused place to discuss sensitive information such as budgets, resourcing, strategic positioning and so on, create a private channel for your team. Only owners or members of the private channel can access it. To understand who can view what in a private channel, see Private channels in Teams

You can create up to 30 private channels over the life of a team.

To create a private channel for a team:

Step 1: Go to the team you want to create the private channel for and choose More options  More options button > Add channel.

Step 2: Enter a name and description for your channel.

Step 3: Under Privacy, select the down arrow on the right, and then select Private – Accessible only to a specific group of people within the team.

Step 4: Select Add. This adds a private channel to the team.

Add members to a private channel

As a private channel owner, you can add or remove members, and edit private channel settings. Each person that you add must first be a member of the team. 

To add members of your team to a private channel:

Step 1: Next to the private channel name, select More optionsMore options button>Add members.

Step 2: Use the Members and Settings tabs to add or remove members and assign roles. Your private channel can have multiple owners and up to 250 members.

Step 3: When you’re ready, select Done. Members can now post messages in the private channel.